Tuesday, June 18, 2002

Well, it's certainly not sparkling clean in here, but I did make good headway last night. That included a ton of handwashing that I had been putting off for a while. Smells a bit like wet dog in my bathroom now, from the mix of silk, cashmere and merino knits. Mmmm, wet dog.

What am I doing up this early? This is nothing! It was 5:45 a.m. when my brain decided to wake up. Once the brain's up, the body reluctantly follows, so there I was. I tried to get back to sleep for about 20 minutes, but that wasn't happening, so I hauled my butt out of bed and have been mostly surfing since then. Trying to sort out what sort of gift knitting I am going to be doing over the next several months. Although I am awake, I am pretty fuzzy-headed, so I really can't say I've gotten all that much done.

Ordered some yummy Indian food for dinner last night and I can't wait to have the leftovers tonight! I am hoping to make this one of those rare nights when I have dinner BEFORE I go to Stitch-n-Bitch. If I don't eat beforehand, I end up starving at 10 p.m. with nothing to eat and no motivation to either make something or even order anything delivered. I'm excited to go to S-n-B tonight, since I have missed the past two weeks. After waking up so early, I suspect I will not stay too late tonight. I also have my friend Diana coming over tonight. She has some sort of after-work plans in the city tonight and asked if she could stay here instead of going back to Long Island tonight. I really don't like having people stay over during the week (excluding my sweetie, of course!) but I said yes. She's going to be taking care of my little kitty during a good portion of my vacation, so I figured I'd be nice.

After I got tired of cleaning I got about 5 more rows done on the Moo baby blanket.

I am wondering whether there's something funky in the directions here. It calls for straight stockinette stitch the whole way through, with no edging or anything to stop it from rolling. And boy is it rolling. I gave it a quick press with the iron for the picture below, but is blocking really going to get this to stay (relatively) flat? It's Mission Falls 1824 Cotton, and other than the rolling, I am absolutely loving the yarn - so soft and yummy! But am I going to end up having to add a crocheted edge at the end to keep it from rolling? I don't know if I'd even have enough yarn for that. I thought I had ordered an extra ball of each color, but somehow I didn't.

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