Thursday, January 16, 2003

Wow, it's been a busy couple of days. The funeral yesterday was as expected, long, sad, exhausting. And cold. Boy was it cold standing out there.

Work today was just hectic, preparing for yet another presentation tomorrow. I was in a major crunch to get some things done, and luckily I managed them and everyone thought I did a fantastic job. Yay me!

I think the best news of the day was logging onto the corporate benefits site and discovering that I am now enrolled in our health plan! Halle-friggin-lujah! That is one major monkey off my back. I guess they took pity on me in Omaha and filed the paper form even after the online deadline had passed. Yay Omaha! I actually did a little happy dance in my office, thinking about the $3,600 I won't have to spend on COBRA insurance extension this year.

Other than that, not much to say. I feel like the world is swirling around me and I rarely have a moment to do anything but rush from one place to another. Maybe now it will start to calm down. Except that I have two birthday celebrations to go to this weekend (Rich & his son Trystan on Saturday, my Dad on Sunday). And soon the wedding stuff will be in even higher gear and I will have to start doing things rather than just thinking about them. Yipes.

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