Monday, April 22, 2002

What a rainy, icky Monday! Makes me wish I could be cuddled up at home with my knitting, some bad TV, and a big cup of tea. But instead I'm at work, with the little space heater working overtime, as I got wet and chilled on the way here.

I'm up to the raglan decreases on the left front of my cardigan - the last piece! Yay! I will finish that tonight, then hopefully block it and sew it together, right on schedule to do the neck and button bands at Stitch-n-Bitch tomorrow. Yay me!

Also, I bought a compact flash card reader from, so I should be in digital camera mode soon. I checked the tracking number, and the UPS site says it's scheduled for delivery today, but the status doesn't say that it is "out for delivery" so I don't want to get my hopes up. Luckily, I have the nicest UPS guy in the world. He does deliveries in my building late in the day - usually around 7ish, so I rarely miss a package anymore. A few weeks ago I actually saw him in the morning on my way out, and he told me he had a package for me he was going to deliver later, so we just walked over to the truck and got it then. How nice is that? Anyway, as soon as I DO get the card reader, you'll know it - pictures will start sprouting up all over this blog!

In other news...Ryan wants the periodic table sweater linked to via Dangerous Chunky. Looks interesting, but sort of a pain to knit. We shall have to see if he really wants it or just thought it was really neat to look at and thus said he wanted it.

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