Friday, May 24, 2002

Oh happy day! It's the beginning of my four-day weekend! The past week was so exhausting that this long weekend is even more precious than it would normally be. I stayed up too late last night and couldn't sleep in this morning, but I just don't care because it's sunny and beautiful and I don't have to work until Tuesday.

Got up to the armhole shaping last night on Ginger, and now I am in a quandary over how to proceed. The directions are confusing me. I posted to the ever-helpful knitting bloggers list, so hopefully I will get assistance soon. If anyone reading is a big Rowan fan and wants to know what's getting me stuck, let me know and I'll email you, since I don't want to bore everyone with posting it all here.

The plan this morning is to do a little cleaning-up around here, maybe laundry, a trip to the greenmarket. Later I am going shopping with my next-door neighbor Adrienne. We're hitting Old Navy with my 20% off coupon so we can get lots of cute little summery things without breaking the bank. Yay! I need to stock up on plain white tees, since I seem to have spilled soy sauce, tomato sauce or some unidentified substance on at least half of the ones I already own.

Not much else to say at the moment. So I suppose I won't!

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